With it being Thanksgiving, I reflect on the blessings in my life and YOU are among them! Thank you for your guidance and walking the journey with me...the road forward from identifying with sickness to embracing wellness and owning my part in that process. I will honor the lessons learned and cherish the gift of wellness!Thank you Liz for guiding me in this process!
Carol S.
Three years ago I was diagnosed with type II diabetes. I was eating anything I could get my hands on (especially anything with sugar!) and my weight was dropping! My blood sugar was very high (in the 500 mg/dL range) and my HbA1C was 15.7%! I was scared: my eye sight was failing and I didn't feel well, but I did not want to have to take insulin. So I started to work on diet and exercising regularly but that wasn't enough! Despite my efforts, I had to accept the fact that I needed to be on medication to help support my body.
As I started to feel better, I fell back into my old habits - Snickers bars, candy, soda and anything with sugar! But over time, I realized this was going to get me back to where I was when first diagnosed.
Before I met with Liz, I was taken off of my diabetes medications because I had made several changes to my diet and exercise patterns. I thought I was doing well, but there was room for even more improvements.
I was 215 lbs and was still experiencing fluctuations in my blood sugars, largely because of the types of foods I was eating.
In the past 4 months since I have been working with Liz, I lost 30 lbs as a result of eating and training smarter. I am feeling better than ever, and can even tell when my blood sugars are high or low...
I have signed up to run my first half marathon this summer!
I couldn't be more thankful and appreciate Liz's guidance in seeing (and feeling) the effects of a healthier eating and exercise plan!
D. S.
It has been a gift and I have been blessed to have Liz as my coach as I journeyed through work, retirement, learning of my husband's disease, while all the time shedding a few tears, mustering up courage to take the next steps that I needed to take and work at "my life, one step at a time!" I believe I have and am continuing to do that...focusing on my well-being, my physical and mental well-being and trying to find a balance...this is a daily task...eating well, moving my body and focusing on spiritual practices daily...it is called prioritizing myself and my health..every..single..day! This is not being selfish, this is being grounded as who I am and who I want to be on a daily basis...which is in the best interest for ME.
"loving myself while doing unto others as you would have them do to you," loving, showing kindness to others. Thank you Liz!
Rachael C.
I have struggled with health issues my whole life and have tried to stay upbeat. However, in the last 5 years I was becoming increasingly aware of the patterns in my life contributing to severe illnesses that are a result of Type 2 diabetes, multiple knee and foot injuries and asthma. The more I wanted to get out and be physical, the faster I seemed to end up in bed. Liz and I started meeting after I had a gynecological surgery due to severe pain. I didn't even know I was beyond barely surviving. I was trying and seemed to keep proving that nothing was in my control. I just completed one of the MOST difficult times of the year for me - September/October. My school year starts, both my children have birthdays, one moved off to college, we have Fall Camp at work, conferences with parents and I lead a school wide event where all 225 students bike off site. I normally end the event and fall ill immediately. Between taking up mindfulness practices, working with Liz, my focus shifted. I took more time for me, acknowledged that I needed more down time and time to get physical, asked for more helpers and remembered to breathe. Knocking on wood, two weeks post this gauntlet of events and life upheaval - I am healthy! Not as physical as I'd like, but not ill. Not as rested but able to recognize that and take down time. My new focus is "what can I change today" instead of bigger, more global changes. Add to the mix this year, my son is struggling with migraines and we are still in the diagnosis phase - So all of this is a very long winded way of saying THANK YOU ! You have made a difference in my life. I will keep making better health choices for myself...
Shereen A.
The time I have spent with Liz has provided me with knowledge and skills to empower change in my life.My health and knowledge have evolved over the past almost 3 years. Liz has been extremely helpful in working with me on addressing my health issues, including gastronomic and skin issues. I became much more aware of the connection of the stomach and the brain. As a result, I altered my diet. It was common for Liz to bring up subjects that were very pertinent to my current situation. Other life adjustments include walking more to relieve stress and increase alertness and productivity at work. I found articles and TED talks that Liz posted very helpful. I use a breathing technique to relax because of one of the TED talks. I added images on my computer at work to help me get centered for the day. On-going issues with skin rashes seem to be a result of high levels of histamines in my system being released thru the skin. I take several natural herbs which help relieve the rash but continue to track what works and doesn’t work. Liz was helpful in discussing the tracking and what aggravates the rash such as too much coffee.Family stress has been intense the last several years and therapy coupled with Liz's guidance has enabled me to persevere. My youngest daughter suffers from mental disorders which has created stress and anxiety in my family. My challenge is allotting time for myself and for meditation so that I can deal with these issues. I continue to work on that. Liz and I have noted that periodic trips to my hometown Juneau has provided time to get centered, relax and gather thoughts on going forward. It has been interesting how my health is much better when I visit Juneau than where I have lived for 40 years in Seattle/Kirkland.In conclusion, I really have appreciated working with Liz. She obviously loves her work and her ability to affect changes in people’s lifestyles.
Kurt A.